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spirolina is an edible algae that needs only water, urine and iron (from rusty nails for example). However, it needs quite a warm climate. In colder places it is only possible to grow it in a greenhouse in summer. A possibility could be to pump it through a wood stove or compost heater.

aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA). apparently this has more chlorophyll than spirulina, needs less salinity, has more calcium, and importantly, can live in a colder climate. But it seems it only grows naturally (not cultivated). AFA and Spirulina Compared


Tasty indonesian soja with mould grown on it. The difficult thing is keeping the temperate constant. tempeh needs to be at about 32 degrees C for about 22 hours. Not a problem if you live in indonesia. If it gets colder than that for some time period, it seems it still works but takes longer, eg: on a woodstove which goes out at night but you light it again in the morning. but there is then increased risk of contamination with other bacterias. If it gets too hot the mould cannot survive.

electric incubators are easier to regulate temperature but less ecological and use too much power to realistically run from batteries. typically an isulated box (eg: an old refridgerator) and a heating element (eg: 40 or 60w light bulb). The simplest way to regulate it is with a dimmer switch (this works quite well). but leaving a dimmer set external temperature changes (eg: at night) and towards the end of the process the tempeh begins to produce its own heat and the temperature rises. Old water heater thermostats can also be used, which can be regulated by moving the temperature sensing element closer or further from the heat source. It would be interesting to know if its possible to use a refridgerator thermostat for this as these are much more readily available.

Regulating the humidity is also an issue, a small amount of air circulation is needed but it must not dry out. You can experiment with covering them and leaving a small gap open. Some people use plastic food bags with tiny holes in which works well but is expensive and wastefull.

Another tricky thing is how to save the spore so you can make more and dont have it keep buying tempeh starter. You must leave the tempeh in the incubator for longer (When you take it out, cut off a thinner piece for more surface area and to not waste the middle part). After about another 8 hours, the black powdery stuff is the spores. these can be scraped with something sterile to collect, or just take the whole piece of spore covered tempeh and dry it out (eg: on the stove) and blend it/grind it to a powder.

  • kedai perantau sell tempeh starter from malaysia, quite cheap.
  • how to make tempeh starter from scratch also recommends books and has facts about how healthy it is.
  • tempeh incubator
  • makethebesttempeh.org home made tempeh culture
  • wild fermentation this site has good forums much info about many kinds of fermentation.
  • Grain mill for grinding the beans: look for porkert grain mill, this is said to be the best. Note that they must not be totally ground to a powder but cracked in half. Some electric grinders (something strong enough to grind coffee beans) work well you must just give them a really short grind.
  • The book of tempeh, shurtleff and aoyagi - very good book (can be found as pdf online)


very important food for winter, when theres not so much salad to eat. they will grow much faster if kept warm. rinse them as often as possible - so keep them close to water or somewhere where you will always notice them and remember to water them.


perrenial veg: (that grows every year and you dont really need to do anything)

plants that are easy to grow and feed you well:

  • broadbean/fevre/dickebohnen
  • chard/blette/mangold

wild plants that feed you well

  • nettle
  • quinopod/fat hen - spinach-like plant that can be eaten raw or cooked.
  • chestnut/chataignes/kastanien if you live somewhere warm enough that they grow big.
  • wild garlic/Bärlauch can be eaten in early spring when there are few other green plants to eat

other gardening ideas:

bio/organic seed suppliers




 * torrent411 good torrent tracker (french)
 * rutracker.org good torrent tracker (russian)
 * zeropaid filesharing news and forum
 * tracker2.postman.i2p i2p torrent tracker (you must be running i2p to access)
 * imule p2p sharing software for i2p (also an i2p eepsite)


  • hydrogen audio forums about audio software etc
  • rockbox open source firmware for music players. Very useful if the original firmware wont play certain formats, or has restrictions on copying music off the player.
  • mpd music player daemon. music playing software designed to be run over a network. If there is a network attached computer connected to an amplifier and running mpd, other computers on the network can control the player by using mpd client software (of which there are many to choose from, i use ncmpcpp). Can run on raspberry pi. Client and daemon can also both be running on the same computer. mpd and ncmcppp guide
  • cmus curses based music player software (linux, console based)
  • moc another, simpler, curses based player
  • randomplay even simpler console player
  • beets music collection organising tool. useful for tagging and organising a large collection.
  • Linux multimedia studio (LMMS) free music production software, with VST compatibility.
  • sox command line sound tool. can be used as simple synthesiser, and to convert audio formats.
  • diyaudio.com forums about diy audio hardware projects
  • speakerplans.com designs for speaker enclosures
  • horn response - speaker enclosure design software. can use with abaca? audio abacus

to take 30 random mp3s and put them in a directory (i use this to randomly choose some of my music to put onto my mp3 player):

find -name "*.mp3" | sort --random-sort | head -n 30 | xargs -n 1 -i^Cd '\n' cp {} ~/sometunes


Many of these links need to be (or already have been) put elsewhere on the wiki

geeky linux tools

email software
backup/archiving tools for linux
diff -qr source destination
comm -3 <(ls ~/dir-new/) <(ls ~/dir)        # compare two directories

Find duplicate files:

find -not -empty -type f -printf "%s\n" | sort -rn | uniq -d | xargs -I{} -n1 find -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate

Find and delete duplicate files:

find -not -empty -type f -printf "%s\n" | sort -rn | uniq -d |  xargs -I{} -n1 find -type f -size {}c -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate | cut -f3-100 -d ' ' | tr '\n.' '\t.' | sed 's/\t\t/\n/g' | cut -f2-100 | tr '\t' '\n' | perl -i -pe 's/([ (){}-])/\\$1/g' | perl -i -pe 's/'\/\\'\/g' | xargs -pr rm -v

booklet printing on linux

some tools, for example, for reordering pages of an a4 documents to make an a5 booklet or zine.

pdf2ps                                              #convert a pdf document to postscript      
psbook in.ps out.ps                                 # reorder the pages to make a book,  
psnup -s1 -2 book.ps booklet.ps                     # shrink to 2 pages on each A4 side
ps2pdf                                              #convert it back to a pdf
lpr -P myprinter -o page-set=even -#1 infile.pdf    # print the even pages
lpr -P myprinter -o page-set=odd -#1 infile.pdf     # print the odd pages


Most simple usage - gpg encryption of a single file:

 gpg -c file   

This prompts for a password and gives file.gpg. To decypt:

 gpg -d file.gpg > file
  • truecrypt

non-commercial email providers

* activix uk
* so36 -berlin
* immerda.ch 
* systemli.org (de)
* riseup.net

local announcements websites

For buying/selling secondhand, etc. Better than ebay because you meet the person face-to-face and put money in the hand (no third parties pinching fees). This requires some trust, which builds community.



 * random artists UK based underground art collective, make temporary autonomous art 
 * 4chan.org anonymous image board
 * deviantart
 * jinyoung shin
 * blublu 
 * the porg
 * daytime televisuals
 * zoomquilt2
 * dissident island radio



 open source ecology
 RAM pump using water flow to pump a small amount of water
Personal tools