free networks are paths through the woods / paths that lead interesting places grow / paths that lead nowhere disappear
reseaux libres sont des chemins dans les bois / les chemins qui menant a des endroits interessants grandir / les chemins qui ne menent nulle part disparaitre
ideas-art-information on free networks of all kinds...
this site is for spreading/sharing/creating information about free networks and communication - decentralised, community run alternatives to commercially 'provided' telecommunication. Linking existing projects, trying out new ideas, and questioning what we really need.
and whatever else you/me/we find interesting. it can be a mixture of practical stuff and art/ideas.
An idea is to use modified radio equipment to link different kinds of existing networks and adapt to the chaotic situations we live in.
this is a wiki (using mediawiki), please add, change or translate stuff, put comments images links whatever... Because of problems with spam you must now create a username to be able to edit pages.
paper versions of parts of the site are also in distribution.
- free networks short zine introduction to idea of free networks (french/enghlish)
- community run communication main article with links
- 430mhz data transfer a project being tested - like normal 2.4GHz wifi, but lower frequency to not need a line-of-sight link
- changing the internet groups and projects for making the existing internet more free, as well as tools for those who do not have constant access to internet.
- mousing about zine about city life
- alternative energy ideas
other stuff: urban regeneration drawings / biscuits pictures / magic / linux and other stuff / bad songs / other links
this site is hosted at and was previously using dokuwiki old dokuwiki site, and before that it was hosted on wikispaces, and before that a static html site on a server called Hades.